Open Age
Junior Teams
Girl teams & Wildcats
Football Academy
Player Registration
Team Details
Player Details
Parent / Carer Details
Child Welfare and Consent
Welcome and thank you for being part of the Vulcan Juniors FC family.
There are five sections to the form and it will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete if you have all of the information you need to hand. Complete each section, cycling to the next section using the the 'Next' button.
Registration must be completed for your child to participate in Vulcan Juniors FC activities. The data we collect is for the purposes of insurance, health and safety, well-being and safeguarding.
Getting Started
What type of activity are you registering your child for?
Please select an option.
Matches and Training (£19/m subs)
Training Only (£2 per session subs)
Does your child play for a Vulcan Juniors FC team and you are currently paying monthly subs?
Select 'YES' if your child is currently in a team and you are paying full monthly subs to the club . If you are new to the club, transferring-in from another team, returning to play for the club or have played in a Vulcan academy team, select 'NO'
Before you get started, you will need to have the following information to complete your registration:
1. A
head and shoulder photograph
(passport style)
of your child against a neutral background (
you can use your camera to take a picture of your child from a phone or upload an existing photograph from your device).
A phone number and an email address
for two nominated player contacts (parents/carers).
Before you get started, you will need to have the following information to complete your registration:
1. A
head and shoulder photograph
(passport style)
of your child against a neutral background (
you can use your camera to take a picture of your child from a phone or upload an existing photograph from your device).
2. Your child's
proof of age
(passport or birth certificate) -
you can use your camera to take a picture of the proof of ID and upload it, or upload an existing image from any device
A phone number and an email address
for two nominated player contacts (parents/carers).
4. Your
FA FAN Number
(if you do not have one you can obtain one via the
by registering a new account, you can follow our step-by-step guide
. Once registered log back in to the FA website and view your account, which will display your FAN Number. If you have difficulty then you can provide your date of birth and we will help create one. This is a new requirement of the FA for parent/carers to have a FAN number, which links you to your child in the FA's systems).
Player's Team and Coach
Please select your child's team carefully, if the incorrect team is selected this can lead to a delay in player registration.
U7 Mixed - Dan Pye
U7 Mixed - Chris Bennion
U7 Mixed - Dan Stanley
U8 Mixed - Mike Brittles
U8 Mixed (Saturday) - John Lester
U8 Mixed (Sunday) - John Lester
U8 Mixed - Sunil Ladva
U8 Girls - Duncan Wain
U9 Mixed - Adam Powell
U9 Girls - Drew Tilley
U10 Girls - Chris Lewis
U10 Girls - Andy Day
U10 Mixed - Dan Andrews
U10 Mixed - Danny Francis
U11 Mixed - James Farrell
U10/U11 Girls - Daz Fisher
U11/U12 Girls - Helen McCue
U12 Mixed - Simon Howard
U13 Mixed - Aaron Miszczak
U13 Mixed - Danny Francis
U13/U14 Girls - Andy Baynes-Phillips
U13/U14 Girls - Ronnie Irwin
U15/U16 Girls - Aaron Miszczak
U15 Mixed - Simon Collier
U15 Mixed - Lee Castle
U17 Mixed - Tim Rothwell
Player Details
Player's Forename
Player's Surname
Player's Date of Birth
Please select date of birth carefully. If inconsistent with our records or proof of ID, this can cause delay to registration
DD slash MM slash YYYY
School Year (from Sept 2024)
Please select the school year your child will be in from September 2024
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12+
Player's Address
Start typing your first line of address (DO NOT USE AUTOFILL)
E.g. 20 Sesame Street
Please indicate whether the player has any medical conditions we should be aware of (e.g. asthma, allergies etc).
If the player has a diagnosed disability, please select the most prominent from the list.
No diagnosed disability
Cerebal Palsy
Down Syndrome
Hearing Loss
Learning Disability
Seizure Disorders
Sight Loss
Speech Impairment
Other (we will contact you)
We collect this information to make our coaches aware to help for any adaptations required. It also provides important information to help the club inform and improve our inclusion policies and activities
Does this player have a sibling who will also be registered for a Vulcan JFC team?
You can qualify for a fees discount if you have more than one child at the club
Player Registration Documents
Player Photo Upload
Max. file size: 12 MB.
The photograph will be uploaded to the FA system, and will be used for ID verification checks that have to be undertaken before the start of each game
Player Proof of Age
Max. file size: 12 MB.
If this is the first time your child has registered for a team, we require proof of age to complete registration
Parent/Guardian/Carer Details
Contact 1 Name
Contact 1 Date of Birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Contact 1 Mobile Phone Number
Please enter your mobile phone number without any spaces
Contact 1 Email Address
Contact 1 FAN Number
If known, please provide your FA FAN Number. Parent/Carer FAN Numbers are now required by the FA as part of the player registration process. If not known, we can usually progress with your date of birth and post code.
Contact 1 Relationship to Child
Please also provide an emergency contact in the event the primary contact cannot be reached:
Contact 2 Name
Contact 2 Date of Birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Contact 2 Mobile Phone Number
Please enter your mobile phone number without any spaces
Contact 2 Email Address
Contact 2 Relationship to Child
Would you or anyone else you know be interested in any of the following volunteering roles?
We are always looking for anyone that has the time and enthusiasm to contribute in any way towards running the club. We will provide full training and for some roles it could attract a small wage (e.g. grounds maintenance, bar and kitchen work). If you select a role we will be in touch separately.
No, not at this time
Boot-Swap Coordinator
Club Secretary - Saturday Teams (Committee Role)
Graphics Designer
Kitchen Staff (serving food / refreshments)
Bar Attendant (serving drinks)
Sports Ground Maintenance
Coaching (inc academy, mixed, girls, disability)
Referee (youth or adult)
If you feel you could contribute to the operation of the football club, please highlight any skills or your occupation that could assist us below
Skills in graphics design, social media marketing, law, health & safety, event planning and general organisation skills are most needed
Child Welfare and Consent
Are there any details that you feel, we as a club, need to be informed about with regards to the safeguarding of the registering player? If so, please note these in text field below.
Is the registering player subject to a care order, social services involvement, in foster care or adopted?
If Yes to any of the above two questions, please give details. (Note that all information will be kept in the strictest of confidence and will be used to ensure the continued safeguarding needs of the registering player).
Would you like our Welfare Officer to contact you to discuss this confidentially?
Image Consent
I give consent for the registering players's picture / image to be used on any promotional material and/or team pictures including: adverts, posters, social media (e.g. Facebook) and the club website
I agree to images of the player being used for the purposes described above
Video / Filming Consent
I give consent for the registering player to be filmed, which could be used on for promotional material, social media (e.g. YouTube), the club website and presentation evenings
I agree to video/filming of the player being used for the purposes described above
Fees and Subs Consent
I agree to pay monthly subs for 12 months by Standing Order, plus a yearly registration fee of £20. I understand that failure to continue to pay subs may result in temporary suspension of the player.
I agree to adhere to the outlined payment terms
Club Policy and Code of Conduct Consent
By ticking this box, you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Vulcan Football Club as stated in the Constitution and Club Rules. This includes adhering to the Code of Conduct for you, the player and any friends and family that attend Vulcan JFC activities.
You are also agreeing for us to use your data in line with our Privacy Notice (see link below).
I agree to the club's policies and code of conduct
Link to Club Policies, Rules, Regulations, Code of Conduct, and Privacy Notice
Player information provided in this form will be entered onto the Whole Game System database, which is administered by the FA. We also pass this information to Liverpool County FA and to Warrington Junior Football League to register participants and the team for matches, tournaments or other events, and for affiliation purposes.